Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 2: My Holidaze Master Cleanse

So last night during my first day was wow, ROUGH.  I felt like shit, had the shivers, smelled and stared down the delicious chicken my roommate was hammering down right out of the plastic container he bought from Von's....bastard!

So to avoid the crave, I sat my ass down and watched the Victoria's Secret show and found loads in common with all those sickly skinny broads - we both aint eatin!!  Seriously, what is up with that.  They turned and shook their 13 yr old looking asses as if it was sexy, but it was sad.

I can say I feel great today, a bit chill, calm, and centered.  As compared to yesterday, I have more energy, I'm not craving food but would still love a big hot cup of highly caffeinated coffee.

As it stands right now from a bowel perspective, I had one small movement in the AM which was pretty uneventful.  I then downed my saltwater flush, had some sips of that lovely concoction of lemon, maple syrup, and cayenne....tasty.  So here I blog and wait for that explosive flush to polka dot the bowl.

Anyway on the agenda today is to surf, do yoga, monetize my blog, search for a job in DC, and drink lots of cleanse juice!


  1. Dear Hunter S. Thompson,

    come on, VS models ain't hot?? now i know you've lost it! since when did you become a fan of juice booty? all the girls you date are tiny. hopefully you know that this cleanse bs is a fad and terrible for you? any average doc will tell you your kidneys and liver are what detoxifies, not cayenne or lemon. just eat better, exercise, and drink lots of h20. oh, and thanks for your bowel movement morsel...lovely. "buy the ticket, take the ride"

  2. Juicy booty may be a late discovery, yet when discovered it shall never lose its taste. But yes, No one should go through the sadness of watching half naked perfect goddesses without pounding on chocolate chips and beer.
    I find comfort in the fact that in the end we all take a crap be it that delicious chicken your roommate just hammered or that not so appealing lemon cayenne maple drinks. Crap = detoxified
